Dear European Customers (UK customers please ignore this!),
We are still trying to feel our way through this post-Brexit world but here are some things to consider before you purchase:
- You may be charged VAT on import (at the applicable local rates). Our couriers UPS will collect this VAT before they deliver the shipment and pay it for you. If you are a VAT registered company you should be able to reclaim this. Our website will no longer charge VAT on European sales.
- UPS charge a small Disbursement charge for covering the duties and VAT for you and to cover the admin of seeking payment from you. This is usually around £20. This should be avoided by opening a UPS Brokerage Account so that the VAT and Duties are charged directly to you.
Once we are more used to all the implications of this we will see if there are better ways to deal with it. In the mean time we are very sorry for the inconvenience this causes.
Best wishes, Sam, Lou and and the Red Horse Team.