Sweet Oil
Horse skin moisturiser
Sweet Oil is a soothing horse skin moisturiser that relieves irritation and helps horses stay itch free during mild months.
With soothing sweet almond oil, a blend of essential oils and technical ingredients. Sweet Oil offers all-day moisturisation to help horses resist the urge to rub, and to support the natural regrowth of hair.
Rub the oil well into the crest, tailhead and other areas prone to dry, irritated skin.

The ingredients in Sweet Oil have been chosen to help your horse stay comfortable.

Sweet almond oil
A soothing, moisturising oil that helps balance moisture uptake and loss.

Technical Ingredients
A state-of-the-art synthetic compounds used to soothe, moisturise and reduce irritation.

Essential oil blend
A sweet-smelling oils that soothe and comfort dry skin.
‘Dinks’ had been suffering from seasonal itchiness due to allergies since the age of 18 months and was 25 at first use of Sweet Oil.
Despite the use of other products this had brought about extreme soreness and hair loss due to rubbing. Itching was helped by use of a Boett rug but not completely and was instantly bad when it was removed for exercise etc. Other ‘itch reduction’ products had been extensively used without providing a satisfactory level of relief and often containing harsh chemicals.
Sweet Oil was applied three times per week to the following areas: top of tail, around the tail, belly line, inside the back legs, armpits, forehead and down either side of the mane.
Itchiness and rubbing abated within a week of application. Sores disappeared and hair regrew. The belly, armpit and inner hind leg areas required daily application to achieve consistent relief and hair regrowth. Rubbing was completely prevented where the product was applied.
Previously the horse would have wanted to rub when rugs are removed and being exercised, this was no longer the case.
The owner found it easy to apply with no waste. Commented on how long the bottle of product lasted.
“I am so impressed! This is exactly the product I have been looking for and am amazed at how well it works. Definitely the best product we have use in over 20 years. I love Sweet Oil and so does Dinks!”
Fly Bites
This horse has a bad reaction to fly bites and became very irritated. She rubbed her forelock so much that sores developed and rubbed skin off a patch on her face.
After Sweet Oil application irritation and scratching ceased immediately. Two days later the sores had healed and scabs had nearly all dropped off.
By day 5 the skin was completely clear and by day 10 the hair had completely grown back to cover the area where the sores had been.
Tail and Mane
This horse had badly rubbed it’s tail and neck due to irritation. After daily use of Sweet Oil irritation rapidly ceased and hair regrew.
Winston’s a simple soul, with huge feet, and a very itchy mane.
Most likely caused by midges or fly bites of some sort, last summer he had loads of sore bits.
We tried all sorts of oils and unguents, all of which had some effect, but merely seemed to cover but not improve or prevent.
Then, having found your site for the Hoof products, we had a trawl though and found Sweet Oil.
Which, whilst it took a while of almost daily application, gradually improved the situation until the pest pressure was over.
This spring we started at the outset, using not a lot but regularly, and considering the pest pressure this year, he has not had a single mark, and doesn’t try to rub his mane at all.
His feet are stupendous, and generally fit and healthy naturally, although sometimes a little pongy but since we started using Sole Cleanse once a week or so they are as good feet as they get.
Kindly supplied by Charlie Bransden.
We recommend reapplication when you can no longer see remains of the oil in the skin or hair, this is usually 24 to 48 hours but it can continue working for longer.
The main ingredient in Sweet Oil has an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 5 so it should reduce the chances of sun burn.
We recommend not. We do not know of any other species being intolerant to any of the ingredients, but as Sweet Oil is formulated for horses reactions to its ingredients in other animals have not been studied.
Sweet Oil contains nut oils (almond) so it should be kept out of contact with anyone who has nut allergies. With any products containing essential oils we recommend a patch test before use on larger areas of skin.
Yes, as long as you don’t have specific allergies to any of the ingredients.
Shake before each use. Spot check on a small area of skin before use and do not use if a reaction is shown. Rub well into base of mane, tailhead and other exposed areas of skin. Re-apply as required.

Committed to using the most natural ingredients possible
Since we started Red Horse back in 2006, we’ve been committed to using the most natural ingredients possible, ingredients that are effective and yield great results while still being kind to equine hooves and tissue. This commitment is at the heart of our promise to our customers and is a core part of the brand and our business.
Because of this, we’ve always made a point of avoiding the caustic nasties and bulky fillers commonly found in many mass market products and have sought out and selected suppliers to enable us to deliver this promise through our range.