Cleansing hoof packing material
Hoof-Stuff plugs deep holes and cracks that leave hooves susceptible to dirt infiltration. Active ingredients cleanse and natural fibres create pressure to support and promote healthy, natural tissue growth.
The fibrous, sticky consistency helps Hoof-Stuff stay in place so the active agents can provide lasting support to healthy tissues.
Hoof-Stuff can be useful for the protection of white line cracks, central sulcus separation, cavities and grass cracks. For shallower, wider cracks, try Artimud.
For deeper cavities and abscess tracts that may go deeper than can be easily seen we recommend only using Hoof-Stuff under the instruction of your vet or hoof care professional. In these situations it is important to ensure all packing is removed on a regular basis and before adding more material to avoid causing a buildup.

All of the ingredients we use in Hoof-Stuff are naturally occuring and have been chosen either for their active properties or to improve the consistency of the product.

Powerful but gentle minerals to give an ideal consistency, cleanse the area and support healthy tissues.

With its many amazing active properties and a sticky consistency to help Hoof-Stuff stay in place.

Natural fibres
To keep the other ingredients in contact with hoof tissues in cavities and create pressure to support natural tissue growth.
‘Whiz’ a 13 year old Friesian x Dutch Warmblood had a toe infection for over 2 years. The farrier had cut a thumb sized hole in the hoof to try and remove the infection but it failed to grow out.
Packing with cotton wool and Stockholm tar failed to improve the issue.
When the shoe was removed the owner flushed the hole out with Sole Cleanse and packed it with Hoof Stuff, then the farrier replaced the shoe.
Despite poor weather conditions the hole was much cleaner and shallower next time the shoe was removed and showed improvement at every shoeing. Over time the infection and the hole reduced with every shoeing.
“I did not expect to see much difference in view of the wet conditions we have been experiencing. I can’t thank you enough for you help as the results seem amazing.”
‘Storm’ an 8 year old eventer was stopping at even very small fences for no apparent reason after previously having been a reliable jumping horse. Vets, farriers and multiple instructors had failed to identify the problem.
On inspection he was found to have deep central sulcus cracks in all four feet, which were likely to be making him uncomfortable especially when taking off and landing.
Storm had his feet packed with Hoof-Stuff a couple of times a week, sometimes less often.
As the cracks grew out (after about 4 months) sufficiently that the Hoof-Stuff would not stay in Artimud was used instead. As the cracks healed (in 3 feet totally, with the 4th still improving) and closed up he not only started jumping and regrowing his confidence again but also showed increased forwardness and length of stride in his flatwork.
“As soon as we started using Red Horse Products we saw a huge improvement in Storm’s performance and we have not looked back since. Storm is a different horse and we are now out successfully eventing regularly and progressing nicely. Your amazing products have made all the difference – Storm would never have had a future as an eventer without you!”
Cody is a 15 year old Quarter Horse, shod in front and barefoot behind. Based in North Carolina, USA
Cody suddenly developed large cracks on both front feet about 3 years ago for no apparent reason.
The owner tried treating the area with bleach water as well as packing with Keratex Hoof putty. She didn’t see any improvement.
Later she started cleaning the cracks with wire a brush and fine pointed tool, applying Sole Cleanse and letting it dry, then packing with Hoof Stuff and covering with duct tape to help keep product in place. She did this 2-3 times a week.
Four months later the cracks have almost totally grown out.
“I attribute Cody’s new hoof health to the diligent use of Hoof Stuff. My farrier had offered me a free shoeing if I was able to get rid of the cracks which he never expected would be resolved. He couldn’t be happier, and neither could I!”
Provided by: Josie in North Carolina
Ideally the first time at least. Allow it to dry well before Hoof-Stuff application as this will help the product stick better.
We recommend flushing with Sole Cleanse but anything ‘gentle’ will suffice e.g. salt water, dilute vinegar etc. Avoid flushing with peroxide, bleaches, iodine etc. as these may damage otherwise healthy tissues.
If you remove the pack and it is still bright white and clean then you likely do not need to replace it as often. If it has become discoloured then you should replace it more often. We suggest replacing the packing after 24 hours initially, then altering according to state of the packing.
Once the crevice has been flushed it will not be necessary to clean it out again if it does not get dirt in it (i.e. if the Hoof-Stuff is staying in place). Hoof-Stuff will stick better in a dry crevice.
Hoof Stuff is generally used where the crevice is deeper and able to retain a fabric based pack. As a general rule deep & narrow = Hoof Stuff, shallow & wide = Artimud.
As a test see if damp cotton wool will pack into the crack, if it will Hoof Stuff will work best, if not opt for Artimud.
Ensure the abscess has finished draining before packing and initially remove the Hoof-Stuff twice a day to ensure no fluid is building up behind it.
Yes, for example Hoof-Stuff can be packed into a white line crevice and have a shoe applied over the top.
Pry fibres out with a hoof pick and lay a number of chunks out on the upturned lid, ready to use.
Hoof-Stuff will be harder when cold and softer when warm, over time the honey in it may also crystalise hardening it. Putting it somewhere warm for a long period of time will help soften it again.
From a safety point of view this should not be necessary, but it can be a good way of keeping your hands clean.
Pick out and clean feet if necessary, use Sole Cleanse or salt water to flush any debris from the cavity to be packed. Allow to dry or use wadding to dry as much as possible. Push small sections of Hoof-Stuff deep into the cavity with a hoof pick, avoiding causing sensitivity. It is best not to pack the cavity all the way to the surface and in frog cavities to allow cracks to close in behind it – this helps the packing stay in. We suggest removing the packing after 2 days, if it comes out clean it may be left in longer next time and if it comes out dirty it is best to change it more often. Avoid getting the cavity wet before packing unless it needs to be flushed due to dirt infiltration.
For deeper cavities and abscess tracts that may go deeper than can be easily seen we recommend only using Hoof-Stuff under the instruction of your vet or hoof care professional. In these situations it is important to ensure all packing is removed on a regular basis and before adding more material to avoid causing a buildup.
My horse is prone to smelly, blackened feet and white line degradation. For peace of mind I ensure I have Artimud and Hoof -Stuff to keep these problems under control.
Janette Whitehead
I have found Hoof-Stuff an excellent product to overcome persistent diseased frogs! Packing this product into Deep Central Sulcus has cleared up this issue, when no other product has worked
Matt Staples DWCF LSHMC CNBBT CNBF CFGP CLS CE Director and certified member of the equine lameness prevention organisation, UK Farrier
Firstly I wanted to thank you for the super-fast service, I didn’t opt for expensive postage as I didn’t expect my order to arrive until after Christmas but it came within a couple of days of placing my order. I noticed there weren’t that many reviews on your website about its’ use for filling in holes after a foot abscess but it sounded like what I needed. I’m well impressed! I really put this product to the test. I turned our horse out with a packed hole in her hoof. Not only did it stay in place, but it came out bright white, even though the horse was covered in mud! Gone are the days of confining horses due to abscess. Gone are the endless sticky bandages, fertiliser bags and hoof boots. What a revelation!
Liz Leigh
Just wanted to give you some feedback. Our pony has had some separation issues caused with little pebbles getting in between his inner and outer hoof wall for about 7 months now. We tried hoof putty as suggested by farrier but it came out often. I read about your products on a barefoot FB group and got Hoof-Stuff and Sole Cleanse. I’ve seen improvement in just two weeks. The farrier and his trainee were amazed how well the hoof stuff stayed in as they had hard time removing it to check for infection underneath. They were well impressed and wanted to see the product and how I put it in. I wanted to say thanks for your excellent products that really work and are natural were possible.
George Mcburney
I have been working on a quarter horse named “Cash” for quite a few years. He has always had a problem with black, smelly feet. Sometimes I could get a handle on it only for it to come back. Now Cash is 27 years old and has Cushing’s disease. It is worse than ever. I was out a little over a month ago and the owner’s vet was there and I had him look at the feet. He said. “Wow! This is bad.” There was black goo cutting out of sulcus cracks and eaten away frog. The vet went after the necrotic tissue and cut out as much as he could. As soon as he was done I stuffed every crack with Hoof Stuff. I came back after three weeks and did another application. Yesterday I came out to shoe Cash and wondering how his feet were. And ………….it was gone. Just gone. Like it had never existed. I have never had such success with an antifungal foot product. Hoof-Stuff is good stuff!
Jim Kotecki
Superb product! My horse has had an abscess (now drained) which was located behind some seedy-toe which the vet removed leaving a fairy large hole between the sole and hoof wall, this product is excellent for filling the hole and keeping dirt and debris out of the hole. Happy horse!
Jennie Blakehill
I have found Red Horse Products extremely effective. Hoof-Stuff especially is the best thing I have found for deep central sulcus (frog cracks).
Jenny Hall BE, Veterinary Services Coordinator, London 2012
Hoof-Stuff works like a bomb. I’ve tried ‘everything’ on my horse’s deep central sulcus crack, but Hoof-Stuff cleared it up in a few weeks. And it’s not like I applied it every day, maybe once or maximum twice a week. This horse has now got a frog again! I recommend your products to everyone
Jon Hongve DAEP, South Africa
Hoof-Stuff eradicated my horse’s deep cental sulcus crack in all 4 feet in just 4 weeks. Amazing Stuff!
Sam Newland EET
I have been having great results with your hoofstuff and artimud with infection and closing up the deep central sulcus’ as well as keeping cracks clean. I’ve not seen something work this well and this quickly…providing the clients are using the product as prescribed!
Jessica Goonan, USA
Just wanted to let you know how wonderful I think your product Hoof-Stuff is. I have four barefooted horses and Hoof-Stuff is a main everyday item that we use too fill in any small or large crevices in the hoof, it stays put through any weather, mud, stones sand etc. The hoof grows out with no problems. Your product is the best I’ve come across recommended to all bare footers out there.????????
Karen Evans
This product is absolutely brilliant, even my farrier now recommends this for cracks and small holes that need packing. Have been using this for about 4 years now on my 5 horses, wouldn’t use any thing else.
Christine Hopkins
I have recently had reason to use Hoof Stuff after a foot abscess in another of my horses. Hoof Stuff, even after heavy rain and in mud, kept the hole in my horses foot completely clean and the speed at which the hoof repaired can only be described as amazing!
Kay Steele

Committed to using the most natural ingredients possible
Since we started Red Horse back in 2006, we’ve been committed to using the most natural ingredients possible, ingredients that are effective and yield great results while still being kind to equine hooves and tissue. This commitment is at the heart of our promise to our customers and is a core part of the brand and our business.
Because of this, we’ve always made a point of avoiding the caustic nasties and bulky fillers commonly found in many mass market products and have sought out and selected suppliers to enable us to deliver this promise through our range.