Specialist Horse Products

Hoof Care
We specialise in developing hoof care applications to keep horses feet in the best possible condition. These include packing materials, disinfectants and conditioners all made to professional standards.

Skin Care
From itchy skin to minor wounds our skin care lotions, creams and sprays are developed to help improve your horses skin as safely and effectively as possible.

Horse Supplements
Our supplements are made to the highest specifications possible. Concentrated, filler free and with innovative ingredients to assist with mobility, calmness and performance.
Featured Horse Products
We also...

Do Rider Skin Care
Our hands suffer from working outside all year round. So we have developed a range of premium skin care products to help them cope with the rigours of the British climate. Without testing them on animals!

Do Research and Development
Usually at the request of our current customers, either via Facebook chats or discussions with hoof care or veterinary professionals. Currently we are playing with putty, new hoof topicals and skin protection applications. Let us know if you have anything you would like us to work on and if there is enough demand we can look into it!